Contemporary Psychology, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2019, 5-26

Original scientific paper

School Achievement and School Satisfaction Considering Personal Characteristics, Learning Strategies and the Use of Digital Media in Learning

Anela Nikčević-Milković - Department of Teacher Education Studies in Gospić, University of Zadar, Gospić

Fulltext (croatian, pages 5-26).pdf

The aim of this study was to examine students’ school achievement and school satisfaction with respect to some sociodemographic variables of learners (age, educational level, gender), personality traits, learning strategies and the use of digital media in learning and teaching. The results show that primary school students of 6th and 8th grade have higher objective school achievement compared to 2nd grade high school students and that 6th grade primary school students more frequently use the adaptive Deep Cognitive Information Processing Strategies (DKP) and the low-adaptive Surface Cognitive score higher in the personality traits of Comfort, and greater comfort means greater satisfaction with school. The 6th grade primary school and 2nd grade high school students are more Extraverted compared to 8th grade primary school students. Female students and students with higher objective and subjective school success are more Open, but the latter are aslo more Neurotic. Female students, students of the 6th grade and students with higher objective school achievements are more Conscientious and they use the adaptive learning strategies of (Meta)cognitive Learning Control (MKK) and DKP more frequently. Male students, students with lower school achievement and those who use more DKP and PKP learning strategies learn easier more easily with digital media. Students with higher school achievement and greater satisfaction with school are higher on the dimension of Comfort and those who use the MKK and DKP learning strategies use digital media in teaching more often. Older students and those who use more DKP and PKP learning strategies use digital media more to learn at home. For Objective school achievement as the first criterion, all variables, apart from the use of digital media, have shown a certain contribution and have successfully explained 34% of the variance of this criterion. Younger and more Conscientious students, female students and those who use more adaptive MKK learning strategies, and less maladaptive PKP learning strategies show better objective school achievement. Greater Satisfaction with school as a second criterion is shown by younger students, more Comfort and more Neurotic students and those who use more adaptive MKK learning strategies. The use of digital media did not contribute to the explanation of this criterion either. The percentage of explained variance of this criterion was expected to be lower and is 7%.

objective and subjective school success, sociodemographic characteristics of students, personality traits, learning strategies, use of digital media in learning and teaching

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