Contemporary Psychology, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2022, 125-136

Professional Paper

Similarities and differences in challenges of test development, adaptation, and standardization: A descriptive study of Croatian and Italian psychologists’ attitudes

Adriana Lis - University of Padova, Via 8. Febbraio 2, I-32122 Padova
Krunoslav Matešić (Jr.) - Catholic University of Croatia, Ilica 242, 10000 Zagreb
Ariana Antonelli - Scuola di Psicotherapia Integrata, Via Rossini 75, I-54100 Massa
Krunoslav Matešić - Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, Ivana Lučića 3, 10000 Zagreb
Filippo Aschieri - The European Center for Therapeutic Assessment, Catholic University of the Sacred Hearth, Largo Agostino Gemelli 1, I-20123 Milan

Fulltext (english, pages 125-136).pdf

Psychological evaluation is a method that uses a variety of methodologies to develop hypotheses about people’s strengths and weaknesses, skills, and limits in terms of their behavior, personality, and talents. The goal of this initial qualitative study was to show parallels and variations in attitudes toward test formulation and adaption in Italy and Croatia, taking into account the historical context of psychologists’ development in these two countries. A questionnaire having 32 attitude items was completed by 565 Croatian and 1474 Italian psychologists. Psychologists in both countries said they utilize tests regularly, with Croatians using them substantially more often than Italians, although the standard deviation in Italy was higher. In both countries, there was broad agreement that the use of psychological tests should be limited to certified psychologists and that although non-psychologists may administer and score tests, only psychologists should interpret them and provide feedback. As for online administration, in general, both countries had a moderate agreement concerning the benefits of this kind of administration, the enhancement of its quality, the potential risk of fraud, privacy violation, and poor test administration quality. Italian psychologists were substantially less happy with their bachelor’s and master’s degree training than Croatian psychologists in Croatia. Although the two countries under investigation had quite different origins, these descriptive first findings revealed many parallels in the answers and, more importantly, in the significance of “safeguarding” tests and testing against misuse.

psychological testing, testing practice, test use, European Federation of Psychologists’ Association

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