Contemporary Psychology, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2023, 119-129

Original scientific paper

Interaction between physical activity and age on distress in children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic

Srna Jenko Miholić - Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Učiteljski fakultet, Savska cesta 77, 10000, Zagreb
Danijela Kuna - Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera Osijek, Kineziološki fakultet Osijek, Drinska 16a, 31000, Osijek
Jelena Alić - Sveučilište u Zadru, Odjel za izobrazbu učitelja i odgojitelja, Franje Tuđmana 24i, 23000, Zadar

Fulltext (croatian, pages 119-129).pdf

The positive effects of regular physical activity are reflected in numerous human biochemical and physiological mechanisms, as well as in the reduction of anxiety, stress, and depression. The restrictive measures implemented due to the Covid 19 pandemic have negatively affected the dynamics of physical activity and mental health of people around the world. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the interaction between physical activity and age on stress in children and adolescents. The study included a total of 2404 male and female students with an average age of 15 years. The Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) was used, and data on physical activity levels were collected. The results of two-way analysis of variance showed a significant main effect of physical activity and age, and a significant interaction between these two factors for depression, anxiety, and stress. A post-hoc test examined the main effect of physical activity and found that inactive and moderately active students had significantly higher scores for depression, anxiety, and stress than students with high and very high levels of physical activity. Secondary school students showed significantly higher levels of depression and stress than elementary school students. The results of this study confirm a significant interaction between regular physical activity and age on distress levels in children and adolescents. To maintain mental health and prevent the development of distress, it is important to encourage children and adolescents to engage in regular physical activity.

physical activity, distress, students, COVID-19

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